Sunday, October 19, 2014

Come to the Weavers' Guild of Rochester Holiday Sale, November 7-9

This year, we're in a new venue: the Century Club, a beautiful old mansion on East Avenue located across from the Strathallan hotel at the corner of Strathallan Park. Much bigger than our previous site and we will have lots of events!

First, the details: ADMISSION IS FREE. Most important. The sale takes place from noon to 9 p.m. on Friday, November 7; from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 8; and from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. on Sunday, November 9. Our members have an enormous range of talents, so you will be tempted not only by handwoven pieces, but also by jewelry, pottery, woodworked pieces, baskets, visual art, and handspun yarns. I have probably missed something on this list, but you get the idea.

On Friday evening, we will have a fashion show featuring garments that are for sale. Weavers and handspinners will demonstrate their craft throughout the sale and there will be information on classes at the Weaving and Fiber Arts Center. For more information, here's the link: Weavers' Guild of Rochester Holiday Sale

Every year, our members put on a great display -- and every year, we have a line at the door before we open. The show has continued to grow as more and more people from the Rochester area and beyond have learned about it -- and about the quality of items for sale. Come see for yourself!

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A Visit with Eva Stossel

  Above: My favorite piece among all the weaving I've seen by Eva Stossel, in networked double weave on 16 shafts, with warp and weft in...