Friday, January 17, 2025

Open Registration for My Upcoming "One Warp, Many Structures" Zoom Workshop


Above: An Echo sample by Maryann Ariizumi of the Seattle Weavers Guild, woven 
on 12 shafts in my "One Warp" workshop. Photo courtesy of Maryann Ariizumi.

Thanks to the generosity of the Ann Arbor Fiber Arts Guild, we're opening up the registration to weavers everywhere (no exaggeration) to take my "One Warp, Many Structures: Explorations in Extended Parallel Threadings" 3-day workshop. (For a detailed description, click here and scroll down. To register, click on the two links at the top of the page. For further questions, please contact me at kovnatdenise[at]

The workshop will be in the Eastern Time zone on three Saturdays: February 22, March 1, and March 8, with three Zoom sessions each day. The idea is that weavers can weave along at home and then join the teaching sessions where they will show their work online, ask questions, view my PowerPoints and presentations, and discuss issues, just as we would in any workshop. I ask weavers to upload photos of their work as they proceed, as this is a really useful tool for discussion.

We make extensive use of Google Drive, where you'll have access to loads of handouts, photos, WIFs, drawdowns for printing out, and reference material. Further, all of our sessions will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube, for those who want to review or miss a session. And, as always, I'm available via email or text or phone to answer questions.

My samples of an 8-shaft pattern called "Many Rivers," showing both sides 
of the double-weave variation of this particular threading.

Thanks to program chairs Carolyn Michaels and Trish Ritchie for their willingness to make this workshop available to weavers outside the Ann Arbor Guild. Hope to see you on Zoom in February!


K.A.Simon said...

Hi, I am interested in attending this workshop but wanted to make sure, I only have an 8 shaft loom, will that work? Thanks!

Denise Kovnat said...

Yes! Please email me at dkovn[at] Thanks for your interest.

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